Interface Persistent

Package class diagram package Persistent
All Superinterfaces:
Persistable, Treeable
All Known Implementing Classes:
Capability, CapabilityBase, ColumnInfo, ColumnInfoBase, Group, GroupBase, GroupCapability, GroupCapabilityBase, GroupMembership, GroupMembershipBase, JdbcPersistent, Setting, SettingBase, TableCategory, TableCategoryBase, TableInfo, TableInfoBase, User, UserBase, ValueInfo, ValueInfoBase

public interface Persistent
extends Persistable, Treeable

The object representing a single table row; this is the PO in POEM!

Instances are also used to represent selection criteria.

4 Jul 2007

Method Summary
 void assertCanCreate()
 void assertCanCreate(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have create access to the object.
 void assertCanDelete()
 void assertCanDelete(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have delete access to the object.
 void assertCanRead()
 void assertCanRead(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have read access to the object.
 void assertCanWrite()
 void assertCanWrite(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have write access to the object.
 void delete_unsafe()
          Delete without access checks.
 void delete()
          Delete this persistent, with default integrity checks, ie disallow deletion if object referred to by others.
 void delete(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
          Delete the object.
 void deleteAndCommit()
          Convenience method with default integrity fix.
 void deleteAndCommit(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
          Delete the object, with even more safety checks for referential integrity.
 String displayString()
 String displayString(PoemLocale locale)
          Defaults to DateFormat.MEDIUM.
 String displayString(PoemLocale locale, int style)
          A string describing the object for the purposes of rendering it in lists presented to the user.
 String dump()
 void dump(PrintStream p)
          Dump to a PrintStream.
 Persistent duplicated()
          Create a new object like this one.
 Persistent duplicatedFloating()
          Create a new persistent like this one, regardless of whether this Persistent has been written to the dbms yet.
 void existenceLock()
          Lock without actually reading.
 Enumeration<Field> fieldsOfColumns(Enumeration<Column> columns)
          Create Fields from Columns.
 Object getCooked(String name)
          The `true value' of one of the object's fields.
 String getCookedString(String name, PoemLocale locale, int style)
          A string representation of the `true value' of one of the object's fields.
 Database getDatabase()
 Enumeration<Field> getDetailDisplayFields()
          All fields at the detailed display level in display order.
 Field getField(String name)
          The value of one of the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering it.
 Enumeration<Field> getFields()
          The values of all the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
 Field getPrimaryDisplayField()
 Object getRaw(String name)
          The `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
 String getRawString(String name)
          A string representation of the `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
 boolean getReadable()
 Enumeration<Field> getRecordDisplayFields()
          The values of all the object's fields designated for inclusion in full record displays, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.
 Enumeration<Field> getSearchCriterionFields()
 Enumeration<Field> getSummaryDisplayFields()
          All fields at the summary display level in display order.
 Table getTable()
          The Table from which the object comes, complete with metadata.
 boolean isDirty()
 void makePersistent()
          A convenience method to create this Persistent.
 void postEdit(boolean creating)
          Optionally called after this instance is edited by a user.
 void postInsert()
          Called after this persistent is written to the database for the first time.
 void postModify()
          Called after this persistent is updated and written to the database replacing the existing record it represents.
 void postWrite()
          Called after this persistent is written to the database on being inserted or modified.
 void preEdit()
          Optionally called before an instance is edited by the user.
 void setCooked(String name, Object cooked)
          Set the `true value' of one of the record's fields.
 void setDirty(boolean dirty)
 void setRaw(String name, Object raw)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields.
 void setRawString(String name, String string)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields from a string representation.
 boolean statusExistent()
 boolean statusNonexistent()
Methods inherited from interface org.melati.poem.Persistable
getTroid, troid
Methods inherited from interface org.melati.poem.Treeable
getChildren, getName

Method Detail


boolean statusNonexistent()
whether this object has been persisted


boolean statusExistent()
whether this object has been deleted


void makePersistent()
A convenience method to create this Persistent.


Table getTable()
The Table from which the object comes, complete with metadata.

the Table


Database getDatabase()
The database from which the object comes. I.e. getTable().getDatabase().


void existenceLock()
Lock without actually reading.


void assertCanRead(AccessToken token)
                   throws AccessPoemException
Check that you have read access to the object. Which is to say: the AccessToken associated with the POEM task executing in the running thread confers the Capability required for inspecting the object's fields. The access token is set when the task is invoked using Database.inSession. The capability is determined by getCanRead, which by default means the capability defined in the record's canread field in the database. If that's null, the table's default canread capability is obtained using getTable().getDefaultCanRead(). If that is null as well, access is granted unconditionally.

Although this check can in theory be quite time-consuming, in practice this isn't a problem, because the most recent access token for which the check succeeded is cached; repeat accesses from within the same transaction are therefore quick.

Application programmers can override this method to implement their own programmatic access policies. For instance, POEM's own TableInfo class overrides it with an empty method in order to disable all read protection on TableInfo objects. More interestingly, you could implement a check that depends on the values of the object's fields: for example, you could allow read access to an invoice record to its issuing and receiving parties.

token - the access token on the basis of which readability is being claimed
AccessPoemException - if the check fails
See Also:
Database.inSession(org.melati.poem.AccessToken, org.melati.poem.PoemTask), JdbcTable.getDefaultCanRead()


void assertCanRead()
                   throws AccessPoemException
AccessPoemException - if current accessToken does not grant read capability


boolean getReadable()
Whether the object is readable by current AccessToken
See Also:


void assertCanWrite(AccessToken token)
                    throws AccessPoemException
Check that you have write access to the object. Which is to say: the AccessToken associated with the POEM task executing in the running thread confers the Capability required for updating the object's fields. The remarks made about assertCanRead apply (mutatis mutandis) here as well.

See Also:
assertCanRead(), JdbcTable.getDefaultCanWrite()


void assertCanWrite()
                    throws AccessPoemException
AccessPoemException - if current accessToken does not grant wraite capability


void assertCanDelete(AccessToken token)
                     throws AccessPoemException
Check that you have delete access to the object. Which is to say: the AccessToken associated with the POEM task executing in the running thread confers the Capability required for updating the object's fields. The remarks made about assertCanRead apply (mutatis mutandis) here as well.

See Also:
assertCanRead(), JdbcTable.getDefaultCanDelete()


void assertCanDelete()
                     throws AccessPoemException
AccessPoemException - if current accessToken does not grant delete capability


void assertCanCreate(AccessToken token)
Check that you have create access to the object. Which is to say: the AccessToken associated with the POEM task executing in the running thread confers the Capability required for creating the object. The capability is determined solely by getCanCreate from the table. Unlike assertCanRead and assertCanWrite there is no idea of having a default Capability defined in the table which could be overridden by a canwrite field in the persistent (since the persistent has not yet been been written).

Application programmers can override this method to implement their own programmatic access policies.

See Also:
assertCanRead(), assertCanWrite(), JdbcTable.getCanCreate()


void assertCanCreate()
                     throws AccessPoemException
AccessPoemException - if current accessToken does not grant create capability


Object getRaw(String name)
              throws NoSuchColumnPoemException,
The `identifying value' of one of the object's fields. This is the value which is actually stored in the database, given to you as a basic Java type; currently, the only fields for which this differs from the `true value' returned from getCooked are reference fields with type ReferencePoemType.

If the field baz is defined in the DSD as part of a table called foo, then the table's records will be represented by an application-specialised subclass of Persistent called Foo which provides a typed getBaz method. So the easiest way to be sure of your types is to predeclare any fields you use in the DSD, use the typed field-access methods, and let the compiler take the strain. When working with generic Persistents, you probably want to use getField.

The value returned is relative to the transaction associated with the calling thread, as set up by Database.inSession. This means that you never see the value of a field change in your transaction because of another transaction's activities, unless you do a PoemThread.commit() or a PoemThread.rollback(). If you need to, you can store a Persistent in a permanent data structure and access it in different sessions over time---or even from concurrently running sessions, though this may slow down access checking; each transaction will see the value it expects.

name - the name of the field (i.e. the name of the column in the RDBMS and DSD)
The field's `identifying value'; this will be a String, Boolean, Integer, Double or Date as appropriate. If the field is a reference field, the result is an Integer giving the troid of the referee. If you want references to be resolved transparently to Persistents, use getCooked. If you want a string representation of the field, use getRawString or getCookedString.
NoSuchColumnPoemException - if the field named doesn't exist
AccessPoemException - if the calling thread doesn't have read access to the object (see assertCanRead)
See Also:
getCooked(java.lang.String), getRawString(java.lang.String), getCookedString(java.lang.String, org.melati.poem.PoemLocale, int), getField(java.lang.String), Database.inSession(org.melati.poem.AccessToken, org.melati.poem.PoemTask), PoemThread.commit(), PoemThread.rollback(), assertCanRead()


String getRawString(String name)
                    throws AccessPoemException,
A string representation of the `identifying value' of one of the object's fields. The value returned is relative to the transaction associated with the calling thread, as set up by Database.inSession: see the remarks made about getRaw.

name - the name of the field (i.e. the name of the column in the RDBMS and DSD)
Roughly, the string the underlying RDBMS would display if asked to show the field's value. If you want reference fields to be represented by their referee's displayString() (by default, its primary display field) rather than by its troid, use getCookedString. If you want the field's value as an appropriate Java type like Integer, use getRaw or getCooked---or an equivalent, but type-safe, method derived from the DSD.
NoSuchColumnPoemException - if the field named doesn't exist
AccessPoemException - if the calling thread doesn't have read access to the object (see assertCanRead)
See Also:
getCookedString(java.lang.String, org.melati.poem.PoemLocale, int), getRaw(java.lang.String), getCooked(java.lang.String), assertCanRead()


void setRaw(String name,
            Object raw)
            throws NoSuchColumnPoemException,
Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields. This is the value which is actually stored in the database, given by you as a basic Java type; currently, the only fields for which this differs from the `true value' expected by setCooked are reference fields with type ReferencePoemType.

If the field baz is defined in the DSD as part of a table called foo, then the table's records will be represented by an application-specialised subclass of Persistent called Foo which provides a typed setBaz method. So the easiest way to be sure of your types is to predeclare any fields you use in the DSD, use the typed field-access methods, and let the compiler take the strain. When working with generic Persistents, you probably mean setRawString anyway.

The change you make to the field's value will only be visible to the calling thread, until it successfully completes the task started by Database.inSession, or does an explicit PoemThread.commit(). Up to that point the change can be undone by calling PoemThread.rollback(), and will be undone automatically if the task terminates with an uncaught exception.

In fact, your changes are not written down to the database, even relative to an uncommitted transaction, until it's actually necessary. So multiple calls to setRaw and relatives will not cause multiple SQL UPDATEs to be issued.

name - the name of the field (i.e. the name of the column in the RDBMS and DSD)
raw - The new value for the field: a String, Boolean, Integer, Double or Date as appropriate. If the field is a reference field: an Integer giving the troid of the referee. If you want to pass referees as actual Persistents, use setCooked. If you want to set the field from a string representation (e.g. typed in by the user), use setRawString.
NoSuchColumnPoemException - if the field named doesn't exist
AccessPoemException - if the calling thread doesn't have write access to the object (see assertCanWrite)
ValidationPoemException - if raw is not a valid value for the field (e.g. a string is too long)
See Also:
setCooked(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object), setRawString(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), assertCanWrite(), Database.inSession(org.melati.poem.AccessToken, org.melati.poem.PoemTask), PoemThread.commit(), PoemThread.rollback()


void setRawString(String name,
                  String string)
                  throws NoSuchColumnPoemException,
Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields from a string representation. The remarks about sessions (transactions) and DSD-derived type-safe methods made for setRaw apply here too.

name - the name of the field (i.e. the name of the column in the RDBMS and DSD)
string - A string that will be parsed to obtain the new value for the field. If it's a reference field, this should be a decimal representation of the referee's troid. If you want to set fields to values defined by appropriate Java types, use setRaw or setCooked.
NoSuchColumnPoemException - if the field named doesn't exist
AccessPoemException - if the calling thread doesn't have write access to the object (see assertCanWrite)
ParsingPoemException - if string doesn't parse as a value of the appropriate type
ValidationPoemException - if string parses to an invalid value for the field (e.g. it's too wide)
See Also:
setRaw(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object), setCooked(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object), assertCanWrite()


Object getCooked(String name)
                 throws NoSuchColumnPoemException,
The `true value' of one of the object's fields. This is the fully-interpreted value rather than the one actually stored in the database; currently, the only fields for which this differs from the `identifying value' return from getRaw are reference fields with type ReferencePoemType.

The value returned is relative to the transaction associated with the calling thread, as set up by Database.inSession: see the remarks made about getRaw.

The easiest way to be sure of your types is to predeclare any fields you use in the DSD, or use getField. Again, see the remarks made about getRaw.

The field's `true value'; this will be a String, Boolean, Integer, Double, Date, or, if the field is a reference field, a Persistent representing the referee. If you just want to see referees' troids, use getRaw. If you want a string representation of the field, use getRawString or getCookedString.
NoSuchColumnPoemException - if the field named doesn't exist
AccessPoemException - if the calling thread doesn't have read access to the object (see assertCanRead)
See Also:
getRaw(java.lang.String), getRawString(java.lang.String), getCookedString(java.lang.String, org.melati.poem.PoemLocale, int), getField(java.lang.String), assertCanRead()


String getCookedString(String name,
                       PoemLocale locale,
                       int style)
                       throws NoSuchColumnPoemException,
A string representation of the `true value' of one of the object's fields. For example the return value for the user table's category field would be User. The value returned is relative to the transaction associated with the calling thread, as set up by Database.inSession: see the remarks made about getRaw.

name - the name of the field (i.e. the name of the column in the RDBMS and DSD)
locale - A PoemLocale eg PoemLocale.HERE
style - A date format
The string the underlying RDBMS would display if asked to show the field's value, except that reference fields are represented by their referee's displayString() (by default, its primary display field) rather than by its troid. If you want to see troids instead, use getRawString. If you want the field's value as an appropriate Java type like Integer, use getRaw or getCooked---or an equivalent, but type-safe, method derived from the DSD.
NoSuchColumnPoemException - if the field named doesn't exist
AccessPoemException - if the calling thread doesn't have read access to the object (see assertCanRead)
See Also:
getRawString(java.lang.String), getRaw(java.lang.String), getCooked(java.lang.String), assertCanRead(), displayString(org.melati.poem.PoemLocale, int)


void setCooked(String name,
               Object cooked)
               throws NoSuchColumnPoemException,
Set the `true value' of one of the record's fields. Like setRaw, but reference fields expect to see a Persistent representing their new referee rather than an Integer specifying its troid. The remarks about sessions (transactions) and DSD-derived type-safe methods made for setRaw apply here too.

name - the name of the field (i.e. the name of the column in the RDBMS and DSD)
cooked - the new value for the field: a String, Boolean, Integer, Double, Date or, for a reference field, a Persistent. If you want to pass referees as troids, use setRaw. If you want to set the field from a string representation (e.g. typed in by the user), use setRawString.
NoSuchColumnPoemException - if the field named doesn't exist
AccessPoemException - if the calling thread doesn't have write access to the object (see assertCanWrite)
ValidationPoemException - if cooked is not a valid value for the field (e.g. a string is too long)
See Also:
setRaw(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object), setRawString(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), assertCanWrite()


Field getField(String name)
               throws NoSuchColumnPoemException,
The value of one of the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering it. Basically, value plus name plus type. This is the form in which Melati's templating facilities expect to receive values for displaying them or creating input boxes.

If the field baz is defined in the DSD as part of a table called foo, then the table's records will be represented by an application-specialised subclass of Persistent called Foo which provides a getBazField method.

name - column name
the Field of that name
NoSuchColumnPoemException - if there is no column of that name
AccessPoemException - if the current AccessToken does not grant access capability


Enumeration<Field> fieldsOfColumns(Enumeration<Column> columns)
Create Fields from Columns.

columns - an Enumeration of Columns
an Enumeration of Fields


Enumeration<Field> getFields()
The values of all the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.

an Enumeration of Fields


Enumeration<Field> getRecordDisplayFields()
The values of all the object's fields designated for inclusion in full record displays, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering them.

an Enumeration of Fields
See Also:


Enumeration<Field> getDetailDisplayFields()
All fields at the detailed display level in display order.

an Enumeration of Fields
See Also:


Enumeration<Field> getSummaryDisplayFields()
All fields at the summary display level in display order.

an Enumeration of Fields
See Also:


Enumeration<Field> getSearchCriterionFields()
an Enumeration of searchable Fields


Field getPrimaryDisplayField()
the Primary Display Column as a Field


void delete(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
Delete the object. Before the record is deleted from the database, POEM checks to see if it is the target of any reference fields. What happens in this case is determined by the integrityfix setting of the referring column, unless that's overridden via the integrityFixOfColumn argument. By default, a DeletionIntegrityPoemException is thrown, but this behaviour can be changed through the admin interface.

integrityFixOfColumn - A map from Column to IntegrityFix which says how referential integrity is to be maintained for each column that can refer to the object being deleted. May be null to mean `empty'. If a column isn't mentioned, the default behaviour for the column is used. (The default is StandardIntegrityFix.prevent.)
See Also:
IntegrityFix, PoemThread.commit()


void delete_unsafe()
Delete without access checks.


void delete()
Delete this persistent, with default integrity checks, ie disallow deletion if object referred to by others.


void deleteAndCommit(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
                     throws AccessPoemException,
Delete the object, with even more safety checks for referential integrity. As delete(java.util.Map), but waits for exclusive access to the database before doing the delete, and commits the session immediately afterwards.

This used to be the only deletion entry point allowed, but now we ensure that the possible race condition involving new pointers to the deleted object created during the deletion process is covered. So it is recommended to use delete(java.util.Map) unless you really want this functionality.



void deleteAndCommit()
                     throws AccessPoemException,
Convenience method with default integrity fix.



Persistent duplicated()
                      throws AccessPoemException
Create a new object like this one. This Persistent must not be floating.

A floating clone


Persistent duplicatedFloating()
                              throws AccessPoemException
Create a new persistent like this one, regardless of whether this Persistent has been written to the dbms yet.

A floating clone


String displayString(PoemLocale locale,
                     int style)
                     throws AccessPoemException
A string describing the object for the purposes of rendering it in lists presented to the user. Unless overridden, this returns the value picked out by the designated `primary display column' of the table from which the object comes. If there is no such column, the object's troid is returned (as a decimal string).

locale - our locale
style - a DateFormat (only applicable to those rare objects whose summary column is a date)
the String to display
AccessPoemException - if current User does not have viewing Capability


String displayString(PoemLocale locale)
                     throws AccessPoemException
Defaults to DateFormat.MEDIUM.

Default String for display.
AccessPoemException - if current User does not have viewing Capability


String displayString()
                     throws AccessPoemException
Default String for display.
AccessPoemException - if current User does not have viewing Capability


String dump()
the dump String


void dump(PrintStream p)
Dump to a PrintStream.

p - the PrintStream to dump to


void postWrite()
Called after this persistent is written to the database on being inserted or modified.

This is called after postInsert() or postModify().

This is low level and there is a limit to what you can do here without causing infinitely recursive calls.


void postInsert()
Called after this persistent is written to the database for the first time.

This is low level and there is a limit to what you can do here without causing infinitely recursive calls.


void postModify()
Called after this persistent is updated and written to the database replacing the existing record it represents.

Not called when it is written to the database for the first time.

This is low level and there is a limit to what you can do here without causing infinitely recursive calls.


void preEdit()
Optionally called before an instance is edited by the user.

See postEdit(boolean) for additional comments. However, it is not called when a newly created row is edited.


void postEdit(boolean creating)
Optionally called after this instance is edited by a user.

Unlike postModify() and postInsert() this is not called during write down but can be called by applications after individual field edits by the user have been reflected in the instance.

It can be be overridden to enforce data model constraints such as validity of columns relative to other columns. These will be enforced when the admin system is used.

This is a higher level method than postModify() so is less likely to lead to infinite recursion or other such problems.

Sorry for the lack of signature consistency with the lower level methods but I got tired of having to call my own application specific common method.

creating - Are we in the process of creating a new record?


boolean isDirty()
the dirty


void setDirty(boolean dirty)
dirty - the dirty to set

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