Package org.melati.login

Package class diagram package org.melati.login
Access control for a Melati database.


Interface Summary
AccessHandler A handler invoked when an AccessPoemException occurs.

Class Summary
CommandLineAccessHandler A handler invoked when an AccessPoemException is thrown.
HttpBasicAuthenticationAccessHandler An AccessHandler which uses the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme to elicit and maintain the user's login and password.
HttpSessionAccessHandler An AccessHandler which uses Session cookies to elicit and maintain the user's login and password.
Login A servlet which handles user logins.
LoginHandler An object which sets up the login process.
Logout A servlet which deletes login session cookies to log a user off from the system.
OpenAccessHandler Allow any user access to the database.

Exception Summary
HttpAuthorizationMelatiException Flags up when something was illegal or not supported about an incoming HTTP authorization.

Package org.melati.login Description

Access control for a Melati database.

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