Uses of Class

Packages that use PoemTransaction
org.melati.poem Persistent Object Engine for Melati. 

Uses of PoemTransaction in org.melati.poem

Fields in org.melati.poem declared as PoemTransaction
 PoemTransaction RollbackLogEvent.transaction
          The Transaction we are in.
 PoemTransaction CommitLogEvent.transaction
          The Transaction we are in.

Methods in org.melati.poem that return PoemTransaction
 PoemTransaction SessionToken.getTransaction()
 PoemTransaction Database.poemTransaction(int index)
          Find a transaction by its index.
static PoemTransaction PoemThread.transaction()
          Retrieve the PoemTransaction for this PoemThread.

Methods in org.melati.poem with parameters of type PoemTransaction
 void JdbcTable.delete(Integer troid, PoemTransaction transaction)
          The Transaction cannot be null, as this is trapped in #deleteLock(SessionToken).
 void Table.delete(Integer troid, PoemTransaction transaction)
          The Transaction cannot be null, as this is trapped in #deleteLock(SessionToken).
 Enumeration<Table> Database.getDisplayTables(PoemTransaction transaction)
          Currently all the tables in the database in DisplayOrder order.
 boolean Database.isFree(PoemTransaction trans)
 void JdbcTable.load(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent persistent)
 void Table.load(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent persistent)
 void JdbcTable.notifyTouched(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent persistent)
          Notify the table that one if its records is about to be changed in a transaction.
 void Table.notifyTouched(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent persistent)
          Notify the table that one if its records is about to be changed in a transaction.
 void TableListener.notifyTouched(PoemTransaction transaction, Table table, Persistent persistent)
          Notify a Table that one of its records is about to be modified.
 PreparedStatement PreparedStatementFactory.preparedStatement(PoemTransaction transaction)
          Get a new or cached PreparedStatement.
 long JdbcTable.serial(PoemTransaction transaction)
 long Table.serial(PoemTransaction transaction)
 Enumeration JdbcTable.troidSelection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable, PoemTransaction transaction)
 Enumeration<Integer> Table.troidSelection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable, PoemTransaction transaction)
 Enumeration<Integer> JdbcTable.troidSelection(String whereClause, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted, PoemTransaction transaction)
          It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
 Enumeration<Integer> Table.troidSelection(String whereClause, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted, PoemTransaction transaction)
          It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the where clause is suitable for the target DBMS.
 void JdbcTable.writeDown(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent p)
 void Table.writeDown(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent p)

Constructors in org.melati.poem with parameters of type PoemTransaction
CommitLogEvent(PoemTransaction transaction)
RollbackLogEvent(PoemTransaction transaction)

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