Uses of Class

Packages that use ValidationPoemException
org.melati.example.contacts.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.example.contacts. 
org.melati.example.odmg.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.example.odmg. 
org.melati.poem Persistent Object Engine for Melati. 
org.melati.poem.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.poem. 

Uses of ValidationPoemException in org.melati.example.contacts.generated

Methods in org.melati.example.contacts.generated that throw ValidationPoemException
 void ContactBase.setAddress(String cooked)
          Sets the Address value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void ContactCategoryBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ContactCategory Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void CategoryBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Category Persistent.
 void ContactCategoryBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ContactCategory Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void CategoryBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Category Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setLastupdated(Date cooked)
          Sets the Lastupdated value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void CategoryBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Category Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setUpdates(int cooked)
          Sets the Updates value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setUpdates(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Updates value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.

Uses of ValidationPoemException in org.melati.example.odmg.generated

Methods in org.melati.example.odmg.generated that throw ValidationPoemException
 void ChildBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Child Persistent.
 void ParentBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Parent Persistent.
 void ChildBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Child Persistent.
 void ParentBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Parent Persistent.
 void ChildBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Child Persistent.
 void ParentBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Parent Persistent.

Uses of ValidationPoemException in org.melati.poem

Subclasses of ValidationPoemException in org.melati.poem
 class BinaryLengthValidationPoemException
          Thrown when an overlong value is asserted to be a valid raw BinaryPoemType Field.
 class StringLengthValidationPoemException
          Thrown when a StringPoemType Field's value is too long.

Methods in org.melati.poem that throw ValidationPoemException
protected  void ReferencePoemType._assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
protected  void DisplayLevelPoemType._assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
protected  void IntegrityFixPoemType._assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
protected  void ColumnTypePoemType._assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
protected abstract  void BasePoemType._assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
protected  void AtomPoemType._assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
protected  void SearchabilityPoemType._assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
protected  void BinaryPoemType._assertValidRaw(Object raw)
protected  void StringPoemType._assertValidRaw(Object raw)
protected abstract  void BasePoemType._assertValidRaw(Object raw)
 void BasePoemType.assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
          Check if an Object is valid, throw appropriate Exception if not.
 void PoemType.assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
          Check if an Object is valid, throw appropriate Exception if not.
 void BasePoemType.assertValidRaw(Object raw)
          Check if value is of the right type and an allowed value, throw appropriate Exception if not.
 void PoemType.assertValidRaw(Object raw)
          Check if value is of the right type and an allowed value, throw appropriate Exception if not.
 Persistent JdbcTable.create(Initialiser initialiser)
          Create a new object (record) in the table.
 Persistent Table.create(Initialiser initialiser)
          Create a new object (record) in the table.
 void JdbcTable.create(Persistent p)
          Write a new row containing the given object.
 void Table.create(Persistent p)
          Write a new row containing the given object.
 Object SQLType.getRaw(ResultSet rs, int col)
          Return an object as delivered by the database.
 Object BasePoemType.getRaw(ResultSet rs, int col)
          Return an object as delivered by the database.
 void Initialiser.init(Persistent object)
          Initialise a freshly generated POEM object.
 String BasePoemType.quotedRaw(Object raw)
          Quoting a raw value, if appropriate, for the Dbms.
 Object BasePoemType.rawOfString(String string)
          Converts a possibly null String to a low level representation of a valid database column value.
 T PoemType.rawOfString(String rawString)
          Get an Object from its String representation.
abstract  void Column.setCooked(Persistent g, Object cooked)
          Sets the field value, with locking, access control and validation for this Column.
 void ExtraColumn.setCooked(Persistent g, Object cooked)
          Sets the field value, with locking, access control and validation for this Column.
 void JdbcPersistent.setCooked(String name, Object cooked)
          Set the `true value' of one of the record's fields.
 void Persistent.setCooked(String name, Object cooked)
          Set the `true value' of one of the record's fields.
abstract  void Column.setRaw(Persistent g, Object raw)
          Sets the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 void ExtraColumn.setRaw(Persistent g, Object raw)
          Sets the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 void JdbcPersistent.setRaw(String name, Object raw)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields.
 void Persistent.setRaw(String name, Object raw)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields.
 void JdbcPersistent.setRawString(String name, String string)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields from a string representation.
 void Persistent.setRawString(String name, String string)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields from a string representation.
 String BasePoemType.stringOfRaw(Object raw)
          This doesn't do an explicit assertValidRaw.
 String PoemType.stringOfRaw(Object object)
          The String representation of the Field.

Constructors in org.melati.poem with parameters of type ValidationPoemException
UnexpectedValidationPoemException(ValidationPoemException exception)

Uses of ValidationPoemException in org.melati.poem.generated

Methods in org.melati.poem.generated that throw ValidationPoemException
 void TableInfoBase.setCachelimit(int cooked)
          Sets the Cachelimit value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setCachelimit(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Cachelimit value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setDescription(String cooked)
          Sets the Description value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setDescription(String cooked)
          Sets the Description value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setDisplayname(String cooked)
          Sets the Displayname value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setDisplayname(String cooked)
          Sets the Displayname value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setDisplayorder(int cooked)
          Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplayorder(int cooked)
          Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setDisplayorder(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplayorder(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplayorderpriority(int cooked)
          Sets the Displayorderpriority value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplayorderpriority(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Displayorderpriority value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setHeight(int cooked)
          Sets the Height value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setHeight(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Height value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void CapabilityBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Capability Persistent.
 void UserBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void GroupBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Group Persistent.
 void SettingBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void GroupMembershipBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
 void TableCategoryBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
 void GroupCapabilityBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
 void CapabilityBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Capability Persistent.
 void UserBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void GroupBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Group Persistent.
 void SettingBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void GroupMembershipBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
 void TableCategoryBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
 void GroupCapabilityBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setIndexed(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Indexed value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setIndexed(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Indexed value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void UserBase.setLogin(String cooked)
          Sets the Login value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void CapabilityBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Capability Persistent.
 void UserBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void GroupBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Group Persistent.
 void SettingBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void TableCategoryBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setNullable(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Nullable value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setNullable(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Nullable value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void UserBase.setPassword(String cooked)
          Sets the Password value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setPrecision(int cooked)
          Sets the Precision value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setPrecision(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Precision value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setRangelimit_string(String cooked)
          Sets the Rangelimit_string value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setRangelow_string(String cooked)
          Sets the Rangelow_string value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setRenderinfo(String cooked)
          Sets the Renderinfo value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setScale(int cooked)
          Sets the Scale value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setScale(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Scale value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setSeqcached(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Seqcached value, with checking, from a boolean, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setSeqcached(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Seqcached value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setSize(int cooked)
          Sets the Size value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setSize(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Size value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setSortdescending(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Sortdescending value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setSortdescending(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Sortdescending value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setUnique(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Unique value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setUnique(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Unique value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setUsercreateable(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Usercreateable value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setUsercreateable(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Usercreateable value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setUsereditable(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Usereditable value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setUsereditable(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Usereditable value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void SettingBase.setValue(String cooked)
          Sets the Value value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setWidth(int cooked)
          Sets the Width value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setWidth(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Width value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.

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