Uses of Interface

Packages that use TemplateContext

See Abstract classes and examples for using Melati as a command line application. 
org.melati.template Using Templates to render Objects to output formats. 
org.melati.template.velocity Enables Velocity to be used as the Melati template engine. 
org.melati.template.webmacro Enables WebMacro to be used as the Melati template engine. 

Uses of TemplateContext in org.melati

Methods in org.melati that return TemplateContext
 TemplateContext Melati.getTemplateContext()
          Get the TemplateContext used for this Request.

Methods in org.melati with parameters of type TemplateContext
 void Melati.setTemplateContext(TemplateContext tc)
          Set the TemplateContext to be used for this Request.

Uses of TemplateContext in

Methods in with parameters of type TemplateContext
protected abstract  String AbstractTemplateApp.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Override this method to build up your own output.
protected  String TemplateApp.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, TemplateContext templateContext)
          The main method to override.
protected  String DSDApp.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, TemplateContext templateContext)
          The main method to override.
protected  String DSDApp.dsdTemplate(TemplateContext context)

Uses of TemplateContext in org.melati.template

Subinterfaces of TemplateContext in org.melati.template
 interface ServletTemplateContext
          Interface for a Template engine context for use with Melati and servlets.

Classes in org.melati.template that implement TemplateContext
 class MultipartTemplateContext
          A ServletTemplateContext which allows access to the filename and body of any file which is uploaded from a HTML form field.

Methods in org.melati.template that return TemplateContext
 TemplateContext TemplateEngine.getTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Create a new Context for this engine.
 TemplateContext NoTemplateEngine.getTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Throw exception.

Methods in org.melati.template with parameters of type TemplateContext
 String TemplateEngine.expandedTemplate(Template template, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context and return the expansion as a string.
 String NoTemplateEngine.expandedTemplate(Template melatiTemplate, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context.
 void TemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, String templateName, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context.
 void NoTemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, String templateName, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context.
 void TemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, Template template, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context, unwrapping any Access Exceptions.
 void NoTemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, Template melatiTemplate, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context.
protected  void AbstractMarkupLanguage.expandTemplet(Template templet, TemplateContext tc, MelatiWriter out)
          Interpolate a templet and write it out.
 void Template.write(MelatiWriter out, TemplateContext templateContext, TemplateEngine engine)
          Write the interpolated Template to a Writer.

Uses of TemplateContext in org.melati.template.velocity

Classes in org.melati.template.velocity that implement TemplateContext
 class VelocityServletTemplateContext
          Implements a template context for Melati with Velocity.
 class VelocityTemplateContext

Methods in org.melati.template.velocity that return TemplateContext
 TemplateContext VelocityTemplateEngine.getTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Get the template context for Velocity.

Methods in org.melati.template.velocity with parameters of type TemplateContext
 String VelocityTemplateEngine.expandedTemplate(Template template, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context to a String.
 void VelocityTemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, String templateName, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Get a Template by name and expand it against a context.
 void VelocityTemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, Template template, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand a Template against the context.
 void VelocityTemplate.write(MelatiWriter out, TemplateContext templateContext, TemplateEngine engine)
          Write the interpolated Template to a Writer.

Uses of TemplateContext in org.melati.template.webmacro

Classes in org.melati.template.webmacro that implement TemplateContext
 class WebmacroServletTemplateContext
          Implements a template context for Melati using Webmacro.
 class WebmacroTemplateContext
          Implements a template context for Melati / Webmacro without a Servlet.

Methods in org.melati.template.webmacro that return TemplateContext
 TemplateContext WebmacroTemplateEngine.getTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Create a new, empty, Context for WebMacro.

Methods in org.melati.template.webmacro with parameters of type TemplateContext
 String WebmacroTemplateEngine.expandedTemplate(Template template, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context and return the expansion as a string.
 void WebmacroTemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, String templateName, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context.
 void WebmacroTemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, Template template, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context.
 void WebmacroTemplate.write(MelatiWriter out, TemplateContext templateContext, TemplateEngine engine)
          Write to the given output.

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