View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * $Source$
3    * $Revision$
4    *
5    * Copyright (C) 2006 Tim Pizey
6    *
7    * Part of Melati (, a framework for the rapid
8    * development of clean, maintainable web applications.
9    *
10   * Melati is free software; Permission is granted to copy, distribute
11   * and/or modify this software under the terms either:
12   *
13   * a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
14   *    Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
15   *    any later version,
16   *
17   *    or
18   *
19   * b) any version of the Melati Software License, as published
20   *    at
21   *
22   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
23   * the Melati Software License along with this program;
24   * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
25   * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA to obtain the
26   * GNU General Public License and visit to obtain the
27   * Melati Software License.
28   *
29   * Feel free to contact the Developers of Melati (,
30   * if you would like to work out a different arrangement than the options
31   * outlined here.  It is our intention to allow Melati to be used by as
32   * wide an audience as possible.
33   *
34   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
35   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
37   * GNU General Public License for more details.
38   *
39   * Contact details for copyright holder:
40   *
41   *     Tim Pizey <Timp At>
42   *
43   */
44  package org.melati.template;
46  import org.melati.poem.Field;
47  import org.melati.poem.Persistent;
49  /**
50   * MarkupLanguage provides a variety of methods for rendering objects in a
51   * template.  
52   *
53   * Each object to be rendered has 3 methods:
54   * 1 - String rendered(Object o) - this will render the object to a String
55   * 2 - void render(Object o) - renders the object to melati.getWriter()
56   * 3 - void render(Object o, MelatiWriter w) - render the object to w.
57   *
58   * When this class was written it was thought that for maximum 
59   * efficiency one should render the object direct to the output stream using
60   * method (2) above.  
61   * However now all but (1) is deprecated. 
62   */
63  public interface MarkupLanguage {
65    /**
66     * The AttributeMarkupLanguage associated with this MarkupLanguage.
67     * See org/melati/admin/EditHeader.wm
68     * See org/melati/admin/PrimarySelect.wm
69     * @return the AttributeMarkupLanguage to use for rendering attributes.
70     */
71    AttributeMarkupLanguage getAttr();
73    /**
74     * Get the name of this Markup Language.
75     *
76     * @return name - the name associated with this markup language.
77     *                This is used to determine where to load
78     *                templates from ie 'html' templates are
79     *                found in the 'html' directory.
80     */
81    String getName();
83    /**
84     * Render an Object in a MarkupLanguage specific way, returning a String.
85     *
86     * @return - the object rendered as a String in a MarkupLanguage specific way.
87     * @param o - the Object to be rendered
88     */
89    String rendered(Object o);
91    /**
92     * @param s markup fragment to render
93     * @return fragment rendered with markup unchanged
94     */
95    String renderedMarkup(String s);
98    /**
99     * Render a String in a MarkupLanguage specific way, limiting it's length.
100    *
101    * @param s - the string to be rendered
102    * @param limit - the lenght to trim the string to
103    * @return - the String having been rendered in a MarkupLanguage specific way.
104    */
105   String rendered(String s, int limit);
107   /**
108    * Render a Field Object in a MarkupLanguage specific way, 
109    * returning a String.
110    * Defaults to a limit of 10,000,000. 
111    *
112    * @see org.melati.poem.DatePoemType#stringOfCooked
113    *              (java.lang.Object,org.melati.poem.PoemLocale, int)
114    * 
115    * @param field - the Field to be rendered
116    * @param style - a style to format this Field.
117    * @return - the Field rendered as a String in a MarkupLanguage specific way.
118    * @throws TemplateEngineException - if there is a problem with the
119    *                                   ServletTemplateEngine
120    */
121   String rendered(Field<?> field, int style)
122           throws TemplateEngineException;
124   /**
125    * Render a Field Object in a MarkupLanguage specific way, 
126    * returning a String.
127    *
128    * see org.melati.poem.DatePoemType#_stringOfCooked
129    *              (java.lang.Object,org.melati.poem.PoemLocale, int)
130    * 
131    * @param field - the Field to be rendered
132    * @param style - a DateFormat style to format this Field.
133    * @param limit - the length to trim the rendered string to
134    * @return - the Field rendered as a String in a MarkupLanguage specific way.
135    * @throws TemplateEngineException - if there is a problem with the
136    *                                   ServletTemplateEngine
137    */
138   String rendered(Field<?> field, int style, int limit)
139           throws TemplateEngineException;
141   /**
142    * Render a Date Field Object in a MarkupLanguage specific way, 
143    * returning a START Date format String.
144    *
145    * @see org.melati.poem.DatePoemType#stringOfCooked
146    *              (java.lang.Object,org.melati.poem.PoemLocale, int)
147    * 
148    * @param field - the Field to be rendered
149    * @return - the Field rendered as a String in a MarkupLanguage specific way.
150    */
151   String renderedStart(Field<?> field);
155   //
156   // =========
157   //  Widgets
158   // =========
159   //
160   /**
161    * Get an input widget for this Field.
162    * 
163    * @param field The Field
164    * @return The default input widget for the Field type
165    * @throws NotFoundException if template not found
166    */
167   String input(Field<?> field) throws TemplateEngineException, NotFoundException;
169   /**
170    * Get an input widget for this Field defined by name.
171    * 
172    * @param field The Field
173    * @param templetName the templet to use instead of the default
174    * @return The specified input widget for the Field type
175    * @throws NotFoundException if template not found
176    */
177   String inputAs(Field<?> field, String templetName)
178           throws TemplateEngineException, NotFoundException;
180   /**
181    * Get an input widget for this Field specifying the null value.
182    * 
183    * @param field The Field
184    * @param nullValue the value to use for null for example in a dropdown. 
185    * @return The default input widget for the Field type with a specified null value
186    * @throws NotFoundException if template not found
187    */
188   String searchInput(Field<?> field, String nullValue)
189           throws TemplateEngineException, NotFoundException;
192   /**
193    * Escape a String.
194    * 
195    * @param s the String to escape
196    * @return the escaped String
197    */
198   String escaped(String s);
200   /**
201    * Get the DisplayString of a <code>Persistent</code> and 
202    * escape that using the current locale and a MEDIUM DateFormat.
203    * 
204    * See org/melati/admin/SelectionWindowSelection.wm
205    * See org/melati/admin/Update.wm
206    * @param o
207    * @return the escaped DisplayString
208    */
209   String escaped(Persistent o);
211   /**
212    * Encode a String as a UTF-8 URL. 
213    * 
214    * @param s the String to encode
215    * @return the encoded String
216    */
217   String encoded(String s);
219   /**
220    * Decode a UTF-8 URL encoded string.
221    * @param s
222    * @return the decoded String
223    */
224   String decoded(String s);
225 }