Uses of Interface

Packages that use Persistent


org.melati.admin A Melati Database Administration System. 
org.melati.example.contacts A very simple Contacts Management System. 
org.melati.example.contacts.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.example.contacts. 
org.melati.example.odmg A proof of concept example of ODMG compliance. 
org.melati.example.odmg.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.example.odmg. 
org.melati.poem Persistent Object Engine for Melati. 
org.melati.poem.csv Importing CSV files into a Melati Database. 
org.melati.poem.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.poem. 
org.melati.servlet Servlet specific elements of Melati. 
org.melati.template Using Templates to render Objects to output formats. 

Uses of Persistent in org.melati

Methods in org.melati that return Persistent
 Persistent Melati.getObject()
          Get the POEM Object (if any) in use for this Request.

Constructors in org.melati with parameters of type Persistent
PoemContext(Persistent p)
PoemContext(Persistent p, String method)

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.admin

Methods in org.melati.admin that return Persistent
protected static Persistent Admin.create(Table table, ServletTemplateContext context)
          Creates a row for a table using field data in a template context.

Methods in org.melati.admin with parameters of type Persistent
 String AdminUtils.EditURL(Persistent object)
 String AdminUtils.MainURL(Table table, Persistent p)
 String AdminUtils.RecordURL(Persistent object)
 String AdminUtils.RecordURL(Persistent object, String returnTarget, String returnURL)
 String AdminUtils.specialFacilities(Melati melati, MarkupLanguage ml, Persistent object)
          Render the specials directly to the output.
 String AdminUtils.TreeURL(Persistent object)
 String AdminUtils.UploadHandlerURL(Table table, Persistent object, String field)
          Upload URL.
 String AdminUtils.UploadURL(Table table, Persistent object, Field field)
          In an insert situation we will not have a Troid, so cannot pass it through.

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.example.contacts

Classes in org.melati.example.contacts that implement Persistent
 class Category
          Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable stub for a Persistent Category object.
 class Contact
          A Contact object, embellished from the original, Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable stub.
 class ContactCategory
          Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable stub for a Persistent ContactCategory object.

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.example.contacts.generated

Classes in org.melati.example.contacts.generated that implement Persistent
 class CategoryBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Category Object.
 class ContactBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Contact Object.
 class ContactCategoryBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent ContactCategory Object.

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.example.odmg

Classes in org.melati.example.odmg that implement Persistent
 class Child
          Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable stub for a Persistent Child object.
 class Parent
          Melati POEM generated, programmer modifiable stub for a Persistent Parent object.

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.example.odmg.generated

Classes in org.melati.example.odmg.generated that implement Persistent
 class ChildBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Child Object.
 class ParentBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Parent Object.

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.poem

Classes in org.melati.poem that implement Persistent
 class Capability
          The quality of being able to perform an action.
 class ColumnInfo
          All the data defining a Column; actually a Persistent from the ColumnInfoTable.
 class Group
          An authorisation grouping that a User can belong to.
 class GroupCapability
          A record of a Group's ability to perform an action.
 class GroupMembership
          A record of a User's belonging to a Group.
 class JdbcPersistent
          The object representing a single table row; this is the PO in POEM!
 class Setting
          A setting, analageous to a Property.
 class TableCategory
          A grouping into which a Table can be assigned, eg Data or System.
 class TableInfo
          All the data defining a Table; actually a Persistent from the TableInfoTable.
 class User
          A registered user.
 class ValueInfo
          Abstract persistent generated from Poem.dsd and extended to cover Setting and ColumnInfo.

Fields in org.melati.poem declared as Persistent
 Persistent InvalidOperationOnFloatingPersistentPoemException.floating
          The Persistent without a TROID.
 Persistent PersistentAccessPoemException.object
          The Persistent that access is denied to.
 Persistent DeletionIntegrityPoemException.object
          The Persistent that we are attempting to delete.
 Persistent Column.SettingException.persistent
          The Persistent to which this Column belongs.
 Persistent DoubleCreatePoemException.persistent
          The Persistent we have a problem with.
 Persistent TableMismatchPoemException.value
          The Persistent.

Methods in org.melati.poem that return Persistent
 Persistent JdbcTable.create(Initialiser initialiser)
          Create a new object (record) in the table.
 Persistent Table.create(Initialiser initialiser)
          Create a new object (record) in the table.
 Persistent JdbcPersistent.duplicated()
          Create a new object like this one.
 Persistent Persistent.duplicated()
          Create a new object like this one.
 Persistent JdbcPersistent.duplicatedFloating()
          Create a new persistent like this one, regardless of whether this Persistent has been written to the dbms yet.
 Persistent Persistent.duplicatedFloating()
          Create a new persistent like this one, regardless of whether this Persistent has been written to the dbms yet.
 Persistent Column.ensure(Persistent orCreate)
          Ensures a row exists for which this column matches when compared with the given Persistent.
 Persistent CachedSelection.firstObject()
 Persistent JdbcTable.firstSelection(String whereClause)
          Get an object satisfying the where clause.
 Persistent Table.firstSelection(String whereClause)
          Get an object satisfying the where clause.
 Persistent Column.firstWhereEq(Object raw)
          Return the first one found or null if not found.
static Persistent PersistentFactory.fromInstance(Database db, Object pojo)
 Persistent TableMap.get(Object key)
 Persistent JdbcTable.getObject(int troid)
          The object from the table with a given troid.
 Persistent Table.getObject(int troid)
          The object from the table with a given troid.
 Persistent Selectable.getObject(Integer troid)
          Get an object by its key.
 Persistent JdbcTable.getObject(Integer troid)
          The object from the table with a given troid.
 Persistent Table.getObject(Integer troid)
          The object from the table with a given troid.
 Persistent JdbcTable.newPersistent()
 Persistent Table.newPersistent()
 Persistent CachedSelection.nth(int n)
static Persistent PersistentFactory.populatedPersistent(Table table, Object pojo)
 Persistent TableMap.put(Integer arg0, Persistent arg1)
 Persistent TableMap.remove(Object key)

Methods in org.melati.poem that return types with arguments of type Persistent
 Set<Map.Entry<Integer,Persistent>> TableMap.entrySet()
 SortedMap<Integer,Persistent> TableSortedMap.headMap(Integer toKey)
 Enumeration<Persistent> Column.referencesTo(Persistent object)
          Return an Enumeration of Persistents from the Table this column refers to, if this is a reference column, otherwise the Empty Enumeration.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Database.referencesTo(Persistent object)
          Find all references to specified object in all tables.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.referencesTo(Persistent object)
          All the objects in the table which refer to a given object.
 Enumeration<Persistent> IntegrityFix.referencesTo(Persistent referee, Column column, Enumeration<Persistent> refs, Map<Column,IntegrityFix> referenceFixOfColumn)
          Do something about references from a given column to a Persistent which is about to be deleted.
 Enumeration<Persistent> JdbcTable.selection()
          All the objects in the table.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.selection()
          All the objects in the table.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.selection(Persistent criteria)
          Return a selection of rows given an exemplar.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.selection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause)
          Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.selection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable)
          Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.selection(String whereClause)
          A SELECTion of objects from the table meeting given criteria.
 Enumeration<Persistent> JdbcTable.selection(String whereClause, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted)
          A SELECTion of objects from the table meeting given criteria, possibly including those flagged as deleted.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.selection(String whereClause, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted)
          A SELECTion of objects from the table meeting given criteria, possibly including those flagged as deleted.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Column.selectionWhereEq(Object raw)
          Get rows where column equal to value.
 SortedMap<Integer,Persistent> TableSortedMap.subMap(Integer fromKey, Integer toKey)
 SortedMap<Integer,Persistent> TableSortedMap.tailMap(Integer arg0)
 Collection<Persistent> TableMap.values()

Methods in org.melati.poem with parameters of type Persistent
 void JdbcTable.appendWhereClause(StringBuffer clause, Persistent persistent)
          Append an SQL logical expression to the given buffer to match rows according to criteria represented by the given object.
 void Table.appendWhereClause(StringBuffer clause, Persistent persistent)
          Append an SQL logical expression to the given buffer to match rows according to criteria represented by the given object.
abstract  Field Column.asField(Persistent g)
          Return a Field of the same type as this Column from the Persistent.
 Field ExtraColumn.asField(Persistent g)
          Return a Field of the same type as this Column from the Persistent.
 CachedCount JdbcTable.cachedCount(Persistent criteria)
 CachedCount Table.cachedCount(Persistent criteria)
 CachedCount JdbcTable.cachedCount(Persistent criteria, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable)
          A mechanism for caching a record count.
 CachedCount Table.cachedCount(Persistent criteria, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable)
          A mechanism for caching a record count.
 void JdbcTable.create(Persistent p)
          Write a new row containing the given object.
 void Table.create(Persistent p)
          Write a new row containing the given object.
 Persistent Column.ensure(Persistent orCreate)
          Ensures a row exists for which this column matches when compared with the given Persistent.
 boolean JdbcTable.exists(Persistent persistent)
 boolean Table.exists(Persistent persistent)
static Object PersistentFactory.from(Persistent persistent, Class<?> clazz)
          Reincarnate an object, populated from the store.
abstract  Object Column.getCooked(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking and access control for this Column.
 Object ExtraColumn.getCooked(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking and access control for this Column.
abstract  Object Column.getRaw_unsafe(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, without locking, for this Column.
 Object ExtraColumn.getRaw_unsafe(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, without locking, for this Column.
abstract  Object Column.getRaw(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 Object ExtraColumn.getRaw(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 void Initialiser.init(Persistent object)
          Initialise a freshly generated POEM object.
 void JdbcTable.load(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent persistent)
 void Table.load(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent persistent)
 void JdbcTable.notifyTouched(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent persistent)
          Notify the table that one if its records is about to be changed in a transaction.
 void Table.notifyTouched(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent persistent)
          Notify the table that one if its records is about to be changed in a transaction.
 void TableListener.notifyTouched(PoemTransaction transaction, Table table, Persistent persistent)
          Notify a Table that one of its records is about to be modified.
 Persistent TableMap.put(Integer arg0, Persistent arg1)
static Field Field.reference(Persistent value, String name)
          A convenience method to create a populated, nullable, Reference Field.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Column.referencesTo(Persistent object)
          Return an Enumeration of Persistents from the Table this column refers to, if this is a reference column, otherwise the Empty Enumeration.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Database.referencesTo(Persistent object)
          Find all references to specified object in all tables.
 Enumeration JdbcTable.referencesTo(Persistent object)
          All the objects in the table which refer to a given object.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.referencesTo(Persistent object)
          All the objects in the table which refer to a given object.
 Enumeration<Persistent> IntegrityFix.referencesTo(Persistent referee, Column column, Enumeration<Persistent> refs, Map<Column,IntegrityFix> referenceFixOfColumn)
          Do something about references from a given column to a Persistent which is about to be deleted.
abstract  Enumeration StandardIntegrityFix.referencesTo(Persistent referee, Column column, Enumeration refs, Map referenceFixOfColumn)
          Each StandardIntegrityFix differs from another by the way they implement StandardIntegrityFix.referencesTo(org.melati.poem.Persistent, org.melati.poem.Column, java.util.Enumeration, java.util.Map).
 Enumeration JdbcTable.selection(Persistent criteria)
          Return a selection of rows given an exemplar.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.selection(Persistent criteria)
          Return a selection of rows given an exemplar.
 Enumeration JdbcTable.selection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause)
          Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.selection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause)
          Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
 Enumeration JdbcTable.selection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable)
          Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
 Enumeration<Persistent> Table.selection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable)
          Return a selection of rows given arguments specifying a query.
abstract  void Column.setCooked(Persistent g, Object cooked)
          Sets the field value, with locking, access control and validation for this Column.
 void ExtraColumn.setCooked(Persistent g, Object cooked)
          Sets the field value, with locking, access control and validation for this Column.
abstract  void Column.setRaw_unsafe(Persistent g, Object raw)
          Sets the field value, without locking, for this Column.
 void ExtraColumn.setRaw_unsafe(Persistent g, Object raw)
          Sets the field value, without locking, for this Column.
abstract  void Column.setRaw(Persistent g, Object raw)
          Sets the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 void ExtraColumn.setRaw(Persistent g, Object raw)
          Sets the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 void Column.setRawString(Persistent g, String rawString)
          Set the value from its String representation, if possible.
 Integer JdbcTable.troidFor(Persistent persistent)
 Integer Table.troidFor(Persistent persistent)
 Enumeration JdbcTable.troidSelection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable, PoemTransaction transaction)
 Enumeration<Integer> Table.troidSelection(Persistent criteria, String orderByClause, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable, PoemTransaction transaction)
 String JdbcTable.whereClause(Persistent criteria)
          Return an SQL WHERE clause to select rows that match the non-null fields of the given object.
 String Table.whereClause(Persistent criteria)
          Return an SQL WHERE clause to select rows that match the non-null fields of the given object.
 String JdbcTable.whereClause(Persistent criteria, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable)
          Return an SQL WHERE clause to select rows using the given object as a selection criteria and optionally deleted rows or those included rows the user is not capable of selecting.
 String Table.whereClause(Persistent criteria, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable)
          Return an SQL WHERE clause to select rows using the given object as a selection criteria and optionally deleted rows or those included rows the user is not capable of selecting.
 void JdbcTable.writeDown(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent p)
 void Table.writeDown(PoemTransaction transaction, Persistent p)

Method parameters in org.melati.poem with type arguments of type Persistent
 String Table.cnfWhereClause(Enumeration<Persistent> persistents)
 String Table.cnfWhereClause(Enumeration<Persistent> persistents, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable)
          Return a Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) where clause.
 void TableMap.putAll(Map<? extends Integer,? extends Persistent> arg0)
 Enumeration<Persistent> IntegrityFix.referencesTo(Persistent referee, Column column, Enumeration<Persistent> refs, Map<Column,IntegrityFix> referenceFixOfColumn)
          Do something about references from a given column to a Persistent which is about to be deleted.

Constructors in org.melati.poem with parameters of type Persistent
CachedCount(Persistent criteria, boolean includeDeleted, boolean excludeUnselectable)
          Create a count from a Persistent.
Column.SettingException(Persistent persistent, Column column, Exception trouble)
DeletePersistentAccessPoemException(Persistent object, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
DeletionIntegrityPoemException(Persistent object, Enumeration references)
DoubleCreatePoemException(Persistent persistent)
FieldAccessPoemException(Persistent object, Column column, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
InvalidOperationOnFloatingPersistentPoemException(Persistent floating)
PersistentAccessPoemException(Persistent object, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
ReadFieldAccessPoemException(Persistent object, Column column, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
ReadPasswordAccessPoemException(Persistent object, Column column, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
ReadPersistentAccessPoemException(Persistent object, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
RowDisappearedPoemException(Persistent persistent)
TableMismatchPoemException(Persistent value, Table table)
WriteFieldAccessPoemException(Persistent object, Column column, AccessToken token, Capability capability)
WritePersistentAccessPoemException(Persistent object, AccessToken token, Capability capability)

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.poem.csv

Methods in org.melati.poem.csv that return Persistent
 Persistent CSVRecord.getPersistent()
          Retreive the Persistent corresponding to this CSVRecord, if there is one.
protected  Persistent CSVTable.getRecordWithID(String csvValue)
          Lookup the Persistent corresponding to the CSV record with the given value for the CSV table's primary key.

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.poem.generated

Classes in org.melati.poem.generated that implement Persistent
 class CapabilityBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Capability Object.
 class ColumnInfoBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent ColumnInfo Object.
 class GroupBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Group Object.
 class GroupCapabilityBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent GroupCapability Object.
 class GroupMembershipBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent GroupMembership Object.
 class SettingBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent Setting Object.
 class TableCategoryBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent TableCategory Object.
 class TableInfoBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent TableInfo Object.
 class UserBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent User Object.
 class ValueInfoBase
          Melati POEM generated abstract base class for a Persistent ValueInfo Object.

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.servlet

Methods in org.melati.servlet with parameters of type Persistent
static void Form.extractFields(ServletTemplateContext context, Persistent object)
          Retrieve updated persistent fields from a context modified in a template.

Uses of Persistent in org.melati.template

Methods in org.melati.template with parameters of type Persistent
 String MarkupLanguage.escaped(Persistent o)
          Get the DisplayString of a Persistent and escape that using the current locale and a MEDIUM DateFormat.
 String HTMLLikeMarkupLanguage.escaped(Persistent o)
          Get the DisplayString of a Persistent and escape that using the current locale and a MEDIUM DateFormat.

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