Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServletTemplateContext


org.melati.admin A Melati Database Administration System. 
org.melati.example.contacts A very simple Contacts Management System. 
org.melati.login Access control for a Melati database. 
org.melati.servlet Servlet specific elements of Melati. 
org.melati.template Using Templates to render Objects to output formats. 
org.melati.template.velocity Enables Velocity to be used as the Melati template engine. 
org.melati.template.webmacro Enables WebMacro to be used as the Melati template engine. 
org.melati.test This directory contains a series of interactive tests to help in setting up and debugging a Melati installation. 

Uses of ServletTemplateContext in org.melati

Methods in org.melati that return ServletTemplateContext
 ServletTemplateContext Melati.getServletTemplateContext()
          Get the TemplateContext used for this Request.

Uses of ServletTemplateContext in org.melati.admin

Methods in org.melati.admin that return ServletTemplateContext
protected static ServletTemplateContext Admin.popupSelect(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static ServletTemplateContext Admin.selection(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati, boolean paged)
          Modifies the context in preparation for serving a template to view a selection of rows.

Methods in org.melati.admin with parameters of type ServletTemplateContext
protected static String Admin.addTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Returns the Add template after placing the table and fields for the new row in the context using any field values already in the context.
protected static String Admin.addUpdateTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Returns the Updated template after creating a new row using field data in the context.
protected static Persistent Admin.create(Table table, ServletTemplateContext context)
          Creates a row for a table using field data in a template context.
protected static String Admin.deleteTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected  String Copy.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
          Override this method to build up your own output.
protected  String Display.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
protected  String Admin.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
protected  String Status.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
protected static String Admin.dsdTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context)
protected static String Admin.duplicateTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.modifyTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Implements request method "Update".
protected static ServletTemplateContext Admin.popupSelect(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.popupSelectTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Implements the field search/selection request method.
protected static String Admin.primarySelectTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static ServletTemplateContext Admin.selection(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati, boolean paged)
          Modifies the context in preparation for serving a template to view a selection of rows.
protected static String Admin.selectionRightTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Implements request to display a selection of records from a table in the right hand pane.
protected static String Admin.selectionTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Return template for a selection of records from a table.
protected static String Admin.selectionWindowPrimarySelectTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.selectionWindowSelectionTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.setupTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.updateTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Returns the Updated template after modifying the current row according to field values in the context.
protected static String Admin.uploadDoneTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context)
          Finished uploading.
protected static String Admin.uploadTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context)

Uses of ServletTemplateContext in org.melati.example.contacts

Methods in org.melati.example.contacts with parameters of type ServletTemplateContext
protected  String ContactView.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
protected  String Search.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)

Uses of ServletTemplateContext in org.melati.login

Methods in org.melati.login with parameters of type ServletTemplateContext
protected  String Login.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
 String LoginHandler.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
          Action the login.
protected  String Logout.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
 String LoginHandler.loginSuccessfullyAs(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext, User user)
          Set cookies if requested, remove any leftovers from any triggering AccessPoemException.
 void LoginHandler.setupContext(ServletTemplateContext context)
          Extract current values from context and add fields to context.

Uses of ServletTemplateContext in org.melati.servlet

Methods in org.melati.servlet with parameters of type ServletTemplateContext
protected abstract  String TemplateServlet.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
          Override this method to build up your own output.
static void Form.extractFields(ServletTemplateContext context, Persistent object)
          Retrieve updated persistent fields from a context modified in a template.
static Boolean Form.getBooleanField(ServletTemplateContext context, String field)
          A utility method that tests whether a field is present in a Form, returning a Boolean.
static String Form.getField(ServletTemplateContext context, String field, String defaultValue)
          A utility method that gets a value from the Form.
static String Form.getFieldNulled(ServletTemplateContext context, String field)
          A utility method that gets a value from the Form.
static Integer Form.getIntegerField(ServletTemplateContext context, String field)
          A utility method that gets a value from the Form as an Integer.
static Integer Form.getIntegerField(ServletTemplateContext context, String field, Integer defaultValue)
          A utility method that gets a value from the Form as an Integer.

Uses of ServletTemplateContext in org.melati.template

Classes in org.melati.template that implement ServletTemplateContext
 class MultipartTemplateContext
          A ServletTemplateContext which allows access to the filename and body of any file which is uploaded from a HTML form field.

Methods in org.melati.template that return ServletTemplateContext
 ServletTemplateContext ServletTemplateEngine.getServletTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Get the generic parameters for this engine.
 ServletTemplateContext NoTemplateEngine.getServletTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Throw exception.

Methods in org.melati.template with parameters of type ServletTemplateContext
protected  String YMDDateAdaptor.getFormOrDie(ServletTemplateContext context, String fieldName, String suffix)
 Object YMDHMSTimestampAdaptor.rawFrom(ServletTemplateContext context, String fieldName)
          Retrieve a raw value, ie an SQL value, from a ServletTemplateContext.
 Object YMDDateAdaptor.rawFrom(ServletTemplateContext context, String fieldName)
          Retrieve a raw value, ie an SQL value, from a ServletTemplateContext.
 Object SimpleDateAdaptor.rawFrom(ServletTemplateContext context, String fieldName)
          Retrieve a raw value, ie an SQL value, from a ServletTemplateContext.
 Object TempletAdaptor.rawFrom(ServletTemplateContext context, String fieldName)
          Retrieve a raw value, ie an SQL value, from a ServletTemplateContext.

Constructors in org.melati.template with parameters of type ServletTemplateContext
MultipartTemplateContext(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
MultipartTemplateContext(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context, int maxSize)

Uses of ServletTemplateContext in org.melati.template.velocity

Classes in org.melati.template.velocity that implement ServletTemplateContext
 class VelocityServletTemplateContext
          Implements a template context for Melati with Velocity.

Methods in org.melati.template.velocity that return ServletTemplateContext
 ServletTemplateContext VelocityServletTemplateEngine.getServletTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Get the template context for Velocity, with servlet specific objects added.

Uses of ServletTemplateContext in org.melati.template.webmacro

Classes in org.melati.template.webmacro that implement ServletTemplateContext
 class WebmacroServletTemplateContext
          Implements a template context for Melati using Webmacro.

Methods in org.melati.template.webmacro that return ServletTemplateContext
 ServletTemplateContext WebmacroServletTemplateEngine.getServletTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Get the generic parameters for WebMacro, with servlet objects in the Context.

Methods in org.melati.template.webmacro with parameters of type ServletTemplateContext
protected  String WebmacroMelatiServlet.doTemplateRequest(Melati m, ServletTemplateContext c)

Uses of ServletTemplateContext in org.melati.test

Methods in org.melati.test with parameters of type ServletTemplateContext
protected  String TemplateServletTest.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
protected  String WebmacroMelatiServletTest.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
protected  String CharsetTemplateServletTest.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
protected  String EmailTemplateServletTest.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)

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