Package org.melati.util

Package class diagram package org.melati.util
An assortment of useful objects.


Interface Summary
Function A Function.
PagedEnumeration<T> A paged enumeration.

Class Summary
AcceptCharset Representation of the Accept-Charset header fields.
AcceptCharset.CharsetAndQValue A charset and associated qvalue.
AcceptCharset.Comparator<T> Comparator for comparing AcceptCharset.CharsetAndQValue objects.
ChildrenDrivenMutableTree A tree of DefaultMutableTreeNodes, the userObjects of which are Treeable objects which supply their own getChildren() functions.
ContextUtil A single use utility object for placing in a ServletTemplateContext.
CountedDumbPagedEnumeration<T> A PagedEnumeration which knows how big it is.
CSVStringEnumeration A utility for tokenising a string made up of comma-separated variables.
DelegatedHttpServletRequest Enables Melati to compile, without warnings, with the Servlet API versions 2.0 to 2.5.
DelimitedBufferedInputStream Like a BufferedInputStream except it has a new function DelimitedBufferedInputStream.readToDelimiter(byte[], int, int, byte[]) which will only read bytes upto the start of any occurrence of the delimiter in the InputStream.
DumbPagedEnumeration<T> A PagedEnumeration which doesn't know how big it is.
Email Send an email to one or more recipients with or without attachments.
ExceptionUtils An assortment of useful operations on Exceptions.
FileUtils An assortment of useful operations on Files.
Flusher Flusher replaces need for Thread.stop.
FtellPrintWriter A PrintWriter which knows how much it has written.
FtellWriter A FilterWriter which knows how much it has written.
HTMLUtils An assortment of useful things to do with HTML.
HTMLUtils.TagInstance An Instance of a tag.
HttpHeader Representation of occurrences of an HTTP header field.
HttpHeader.TokenAndQValue A token and associated qvalue.
HttpHeader.Tokenizer Tokenizer for parsing occurences of a field.
HttpServletRequestCompat NOTE This is no longer used, but it is so cool it is still around to marvel at The HttpServletRequestCompat class enables Melati to compile, without warnings, with the Servlet API versions 2.0 to 2.5.
HttpServletRequestParameters The parameters of an Http Servlet Request.
HttpUtil An assortment of useful things to do with Http.
IoUtils IO utilities.
JSDynamicTree A JavaScript tree which can be rendered as Dynamic HTML.
JSStaticTree A JavaScript tree which can be rendered as ordinary HTML.
MD5Util MD5 - utils for encoding using MD5.
MelatiBufferedWriter A buffered output object for Melati.
MelatiSimpleWriter An output object for Melati.
MelatiStringWriter Wrap up StringWriter as a MelatiWriter.
MelatiWriter An abstract Writer for objects that output from Melati.
Page A 'screen full' of results.
PagedEnumerationBase<T> All the code common to CountedDumbPagedEnumeration and DumbPagedEnumeration.
PropertiesUtils Useful things to do with properties files.
ReconstructedHttpServletRequest An HttpServletRequest created from values stored in the Session.
ThrowingPrintWriter A PrintWriter which can throw an Exception.
Tree A whole tree.
TreeNode A Tree node.
UTF8URLEncoder A utility class to work around need for catch block.
Waiter Allows us to slow things down.

Exception Summary
BugException Thrown when a programmer attempts to do something which is possible but wrong.
CharsetException Thrown when there is a problem establishing Character Sets.
ConfigException Thrown when there is a problem configuring Melati.
ConnectionPendingException Thrown if an attempt is made to use a DBMS whilst it is initialising.
DatabaseInitException Thrown when there is a problem initialising a database.
EmailException Thrown when there is a problem sending an Email.
FormatPropertyException Thrown when an attempt is made to cast a String property value as a numeric type.
InstantiationPropertyException Thrown when there is a problem finding or creating a class from a property value.
MelatiBugMelatiException Thrown if an internal assumption about Melati is violated.
MelatiConfigurationException Thrown when an invalid configuaration is detected.
MelatiException Abstract base class for all Exceptions within Melati.
MelatiIOException Convert the checked exception IOException to a RuntimeException.
MelatiRuntimeException Abstract base class for all RuntimeExceptions within Melati.
NoSuchPropertyException Thrown when a Property is not found.
ProcessFailedException Thrown when an external program fails to exec.
PropertyException Thrown when any Property related problem occurs.
ReconstructedHttpServletRequestMismatchException Thrown should a ReconstructedHttpServletRequest not match the stored parameters of the original request.
ThrowingPrintWriter.SuperUseException Thrown when a programmer attempts to use super.out.
UnexpectedExceptionException Thrown if an internal assumption about Melati is violated.

Error Summary
HttpServletRequestCompat.MissingMethodError Thrown when a method that is not available is invoked.

Package org.melati.util Description

An assortment of useful objects.

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