Uses of Class

Packages that use Melati
org.melati.admin A Melati Database Administration System. Abstract classes and examples for using Melati as a command line application. 
org.melati.login Access control for a Melati database. 
org.melati.servlet Servlet specific elements of Melati. 
org.melati.template Using Templates to render Objects to output formats. 
org.melati.template.velocity Enables Velocity to be used as the Melati template engine. 
org.melati.template.webmacro Enables WebMacro to be used as the Melati template engine. 
org.melati.test This directory contains a series of interactive tests to help in setting up and debugging a Melati installation. 

Uses of Melati in org.melati.admin

Methods in org.melati.admin with parameters of type Melati
protected static String Admin.addTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Returns the Add template after placing the table and fields for the new row in the context using any field values already in the context.
protected static String Admin.addUpdateTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Returns the Updated template after creating a new row using field data in the context.
 String AdminSpecialised.adminHandle(Melati melati, MarkupLanguage markupLanguage)
          Perform the specialised function and return the name of the template presenting the results.
 String AdminSpecialised.adminSpecialFacilities(Melati melati, MarkupLanguage markupLanguage)
          Returns the name of a templet which provides access to the specialised functionality.
 String AdminUtils.BottomURL(Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.deleteTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected  String Copy.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
          Override this method to build up your own output.
protected  String Display.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
protected  String Admin.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
protected  String Status.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
protected static String Admin.duplicateTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.EditFrameName(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.EditHeaderURL(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.EditURL(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.getHomepageURL(Melati melati)
          Check if setting in db, provide default if not, do not write default to db.
static String AdminUtils.getPrimaryDisplayTable(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.getScreenStylesheetURL(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.getURL(Melati melati, String name)
 String AdminUtils.MainURL(Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.modifyTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Implements request method "Update".
protected static ServletTemplateContext Admin.popupSelect(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.popupSelectTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Implements the field search/selection request method.
protected  void Copy.prePoemSession(Melati melati)
          Set the ServletTemplateEngine and ServletTemplateContext in our Melati.
protected static String Admin.primarySelectTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.PrimarySelectURL(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.RecordURL(Melati melati)
protected static ServletTemplateContext Admin.selection(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati, boolean paged)
          Modifies the context in preparation for serving a template to view a selection of rows.
protected static String Admin.selectionRightTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Implements request to display a selection of records from a table in the right hand pane.
protected static String Admin.selectionTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Return template for a selection of records from a table.
 String AdminUtils.SelectionURL(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.SelectionURL(Melati melati, String returnTarget)
protected static String Admin.selectionWindowPrimarySelectTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.selectionWindowSelectionTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.setupTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.specialFacilities(Melati melati, MarkupLanguage ml, Persistent object)
          Render the specials directly to the output.
 String AdminUtils.ToggledOrderSelectionURL(Melati melati, String field, String value)
          Toggle the sort order of column.
 String AdminUtils.TopURL(Melati melati)
protected static String Admin.updateTemplate(ServletTemplateContext context, Melati melati)
          Returns the Updated template after modifying the current row according to field values in the context.

Constructors in org.melati.admin with parameters of type Melati
AdminUtils(Melati melati)

Uses of Melati in

Methods in that return Melati
 Melati AbstractPoemApp.init(String[] args)
 Melati AbstractTemplateApp.init(String[] args)
 Melati AbstractConfigApp.init(String[] args)

Methods in with parameters of type Melati
protected  void AbstractPoemApp._handleException(Melati melati, Exception exception)
protected  void AbstractPoemApp.doConfiguredRequest(Melati melati)
protected abstract  void AbstractConfigApp.doConfiguredRequest(Melati melati)
          Instantiate this method to build up your own output.
protected  void ConfigApp.doConfiguredRequest(Melati melati)
          The main method to override.
protected abstract  void AbstractPoemApp.doPoemRequest(Melati melati)
          Override this method to do your own thing.
protected  void AbstractTemplateApp.doPoemRequest(Melati melati)
          Fulfill AbstractPoemApp's promises.
protected  void PoemApp.doPoemRequest(Melati melati)
          The main method to override.
protected abstract  String AbstractTemplateApp.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Override this method to build up your own output.
protected  String TemplateApp.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, TemplateContext templateContext)
          The main method to override.
protected  String DSDApp.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, TemplateContext templateContext)
          The main method to override.
protected static void AbstractPoemApp.handleException(Melati melati, Exception exception)
          Default method to handle an exception.
protected  PoemContext AbstractPoemApp.poemContext(Melati melati)
protected  PoemContext AbstractConfigApp.poemContext(Melati melati)
          Set up the (@link PoemContext}, but only the Method.
protected  PoemContext AbstractPoemApp.poemContextWithLDB(Melati melati, String logicalDatabase)
          This is provided for convenience, so you don't have to specify the logical database in the arguments.
protected  void AbstractPoemApp.prePoemSession(Melati melati)
          A place holder for things you might want to do before setting up a PoemSession.
 void AbstractPoemApp.term(Melati melati)
          Clean up at end of run.
 void AbstractConfigApp.term(Melati melati)
          Clean up at end of run.

Uses of Melati in org.melati.login

Methods in org.melati.login that return Melati
 Melati HttpBasicAuthenticationAccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Get the users details.
 Melati OpenAccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Set to guest if not set, remains null if we have no database.
 Melati HttpSessionAccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Set the Access token to be used for this request.
 Melati CommandLineAccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Called when the PoemTask is initialised, recalled after a login.
 Melati AccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Called when a @link PoemTask} is initiated.

Methods in org.melati.login with parameters of type Melati
 void HttpBasicAuthenticationAccessHandler.buildRequest(Melati melati)
          If we are allowed in then no need to change request.
 void OpenAccessHandler.buildRequest(Melati melati)
          Nothing to do.
 void HttpSessionAccessHandler.buildRequest(Melati melati)
          If we are returning from a login rebuild the original request, otherwise do nothing.
 void CommandLineAccessHandler.buildRequest(Melati melati)
          A no-op in a command line application.
 void AccessHandler.buildRequest(Melati melati)
          Rebuild request if we have had to login, otherwise nothing.
protected  String Login.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
 String LoginHandler.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
          Action the login.
protected  String Logout.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
 Melati HttpBasicAuthenticationAccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Get the users details.
 Melati OpenAccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Set to guest if not set, remains null if we have no database.
 Melati HttpSessionAccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Set the Access token to be used for this request.
 Melati CommandLineAccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Called when the PoemTask is initialised, recalled after a login.
 Melati AccessHandler.establishUser(Melati melati)
          Called when a @link PoemTask} is initiated.
 void HttpBasicAuthenticationAccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Called when an AccessPoemException is trapped.
 void OpenAccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Ignore AccessPoemExceptions.
 void HttpSessionAccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Store the current request and redirect to the login page.
 void CommandLineAccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Actually handle the AccessPoemException.
 void AccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Deal with an AccessPoemException, often by allowing login.
 String HttpSessionAccessHandler.loginPageURL(Melati melati, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          The URL of the login servlet.
 String LoginHandler.loginSuccessfullyAs(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext, User user)
          Set cookies if requested, remove any leftovers from any triggering AccessPoemException.
protected  void HttpSessionAccessHandler.logUsIn(Melati melati, User user)
          Set our AccessToken.

Uses of Melati in org.melati.servlet

Fields in org.melati.servlet declared as Melati
protected  Melati DefaultFileFormDataAdaptor.melati

Methods in org.melati.servlet with parameters of type Melati
protected  void PoemServlet._handleException(Melati melati, Exception exception)
protected abstract  void ConfigServlet.doConfiguredRequest(Melati melati)
          Instantiate this method to build up your own output.
protected  void PoemServlet.doConfiguredRequest(Melati melati)
          Process the request.
protected  void TemplateServlet.doPoemRequest(Melati melati)
protected abstract  void PoemServlet.doPoemRequest(Melati melati)
          Override this method to build up your own output.
protected abstract  String TemplateServlet.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
          Override this method to build up your own output.
 void ConfigServlet.error(Melati melati, Exception e)
          Send an error message.
 void TemplateServlet.error(Melati melati, Exception e)
          Send an error message.
 FormDataAdaptor FormDataAdaptorFactory.get(Melati melati, MultipartFormField field)
          We need to establish the user and set up any request specific melati stuff so that we can verify the user has permission for this task, and use melati Table / Objects to manipulate what the FormDataAdaptor does.
abstract  FormDataAdaptor FormDataAdaptorFactory.getIt(Melati melati, MultipartFormField field)
          Implements different policies for saving uploaded files depending on the details of the file and the state of the application.
 FormDataAdaptor PoemFileFormDataAdaptorFactory.getIt(Melati melati, MultipartFormField field)
          Get the defaulted parameters for the adaptor from the database and create it.
 FormDataAdaptor DefaultFileFormDataAdaptorFactory.getIt(Melati melati, MultipartFormField field)
          Get the FormDataAdaptor.
 FormDataAdaptor TemporaryFileFormDataAdaptorFactory.getIt(Melati melati, MultipartFormField field)
          Get the FormDataAdaptor.
 FormDataAdaptor MemoryFormDataAdaptorFactory.getIt(Melati melati, MultipartFormField field)
          Return the right FormDataAdaptor.
protected  void PoemServlet.handleException(Melati melati, Exception exception)
          Default method to handle an exception without a template engine.
protected  PoemContext ConfigServlet.poemContext(Melati melati)
protected  PoemContext PoemServlet.poemContext(Melati melati)
protected  PoemContext PoemServlet.poemContextWithLDB(Melati melati, String logicalDatabase)
protected  void TemplateServlet.prePoemSession(Melati melati)
          Set the ServletTemplateEngine and ServletTemplateContext in our Melati.
protected  void PoemServlet.prePoemSession(Melati melati)
          A place to do things before entering the session of the user, here is a good place to use root access token.

Constructors in org.melati.servlet with parameters of type Melati
DefaultFileFormDataAdaptor(Melati melatiP, String uploadDirP, String uploadUrlP)
DefaultFileFormDataAdaptor(Melati melatiP, String uploadDirP, String uploadURLP, boolean makeUniqueP)
MultipartFormDataDecoder(Melati melati, InputStream in, String contentType, FormDataAdaptorFactory factory)
          Constructor with default maximum size.
MultipartFormDataDecoder(Melati melati, InputStream in, String contentType, FormDataAdaptorFactory factory, int maxSize)
          Constructor specifying maximum size.

Uses of Melati in org.melati.template

Fields in org.melati.template declared as Melati
protected  Melati AbstractMarkupLanguage.melati

Methods in org.melati.template with parameters of type Melati
 ServletTemplateContext ServletTemplateEngine.getServletTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Get the generic parameters for this engine.
 ServletTemplateContext NoTemplateEngine.getServletTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Throw exception.
 TemplateContext TemplateEngine.getTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Create a new Context for this engine.
 TemplateContext NoTemplateEngine.getTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Throw exception.

Constructors in org.melati.template with parameters of type Melati
AbstractMarkupLanguage(String name, Melati melati, TempletLoader templetLoader, PoemLocale locale)
          Construct a Markup Language object.
HTMLLikeMarkupLanguage(String name, Melati melati, TempletLoader templetLoader, PoemLocale locale)
HTMLMarkupLanguage(Melati melati, TempletLoader templetLoader, PoemLocale locale)
MultipartTemplateContext(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
MultipartTemplateContext(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context, int maxSize)
WMLMarkupLanguage(Melati melati, TempletLoader templetLoader, PoemLocale locale)
XMLMarkupLanguage(Melati melati, TempletLoader templetLoader, PoemLocale locale)

Uses of Melati in org.melati.template.velocity

Methods in org.melati.template.velocity with parameters of type Melati
 ServletTemplateContext VelocityServletTemplateEngine.getServletTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Get the template context for Velocity, with servlet specific objects added.
 TemplateContext VelocityTemplateEngine.getTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Get the template context for Velocity.

Uses of Melati in org.melati.template.webmacro

Methods in org.melati.template.webmacro with parameters of type Melati
protected  String WebmacroMelatiServlet.doTemplateRequest(Melati m, ServletTemplateContext c)
 ServletTemplateContext WebmacroServletTemplateEngine.getServletTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Get the generic parameters for WebMacro, with servlet objects in the Context.
 TemplateContext WebmacroTemplateEngine.getTemplateContext(Melati melati)
          Create a new, empty, Context for WebMacro.
protected abstract  String WebmacroMelatiServlet.handle(Melati m, org.webmacro.servlet.WebContext c)

Uses of Melati in org.melati.test

Methods in org.melati.test with parameters of type Melati
protected  void CharsetServletTest.doConfiguredRequest(Melati melati)
protected  void ExitServlet.doConfiguredRequest(Melati melati)
protected  void SessionAnalysisServlet.doConfiguredRequest(Melati melati)
protected  void ConfigServletTest.doConfiguredRequest(Melati melati)
protected  void PoemServletTest.doPoemRequest(Melati melati)
protected  String TemplateServletTest.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
protected  String WebmacroMelatiServletTest.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext templateContext)
protected  String CharsetTemplateServletTest.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
protected  String EmailTemplateServletTest.doTemplateRequest(Melati melati, ServletTemplateContext context)
 String CharData.Item.encodingTest(Melati melati)
protected  String ConfigServletTestOverride.getUploadMessage(Melati melati)
protected  String PoemServletTest.getUploadMessage(Melati melati)
protected  String ConfigServletTest.getUploadMessage(Melati melati)
 String FlushingServletTest.handle(Melati melati, org.webmacro.servlet.WebContext context)
          Main entry point.
protected  PoemContext TemplateServletTest.poemContext(Melati melati)
          Set up the POEM context so we don't have to specify the logicaldatabase on the pathinfo.
protected  PoemContext WebmacroMelatiServletTest.poemContext(Melati melati)
          Set up the melati context so we don't have to specify the logicaldatabase on the pathinfo.
protected  PoemContext FlushingServletTest.poemContext(Melati melati)
protected  PoemContext CharsetTemplateServletTest.poemContext(Melati melati)
          Set up the melati context so we don't have to specify the logicaldatabase on the pathinfo.
protected  PoemContext EmailTemplateServletTest.poemContext(Melati melati)
          Set up the melati context so we don't have to specify the logicaldatabase on the pathinfo.
protected  void PoemServletTest.prePoemSession(Melati melati)
          Normally one would ensure that these settings are present in the database, but they are ensured here so that everything is in one place.

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