Uses of Class

Packages that use TreeNode
org.melati.util An assortment of useful objects. 

Uses of TreeNode in org.melati.util

Fields in org.melati.util declared as TreeNode
protected  TreeNode TreeNode.parent

Methods in org.melati.util that return TreeNode
static TreeNode[] TreeNode.augment(Treeable[] nodes, int depth)
          Create a new Array of TreeNodes specifying a new depth.
 TreeNode[] TreeNode.getChildren()
 TreeNode[] TreeNode.getNodeToRootPath(boolean includeNode, boolean reverse)
          Retrieve an Array of TreeNodes which is the shortest path from this node to its root.
 TreeNode TreeNode.getParent()
 TreeNode[] TreeNode.getPathFromRoot()
 TreeNode[] TreeNode.getPathToRoot()

Methods in org.melati.util that return types with arguments of type TreeNode
 Vector<TreeNode> Tree.apply(Function func, int depthP, boolean depthFirst)
          Apply the Function to each node in the tree.
 Vector<TreeNode> Tree.applyBreadthFirst(Function func)
          Apply a function to all nodes, breadth first.
 Vector<TreeNode> Tree.applyBreadthFirst(Function func, int depthP)
          Apply a function to all nodes to a given depth, breadth first.
 Vector<TreeNode> Tree.applyDepthFirst(Function func)
          Apply a function to all nodes, depth first.
 Vector<TreeNode> Tree.applyDepthFirst(Function func, int depthP)
          Apply a function to all nodes to a given depth, depth first.
 Vector<TreeNode> Tree.flattened()
 Vector<TreeNode> Tree.flattened(int depthP)
          Retrieve all the nodes down to a given depth, depth-first.
 Vector<TreeNode> Tree.flattened(int depthP, boolean depthFirst)
          Retrieve all the nodes down to a given depth.
 Vector<TreeNode> Tree.sorted(Order cmp, int depthP)
          Retrieve a sorted Vector of the tree's contents, down to the given depth.

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